Anna Coyne is a Saint Paul native, wife, mother, and convert to the Catholic faith. When not chasing after her two young children you can probably find her teaching piano lessons, knitting, or tripping over wooden train sets. Find her writing at Blessed is She, and blogging at The Hearts Overflow.
Jacqui Skemp endures living in Minnesota after leaving California for her one true love. She and her husband have three wild little boys. When she isn’t wiping sticky hands and kissing baby cheeks, she enjoys cooking, reading historical fiction, and occasionally blogging at Mexican Domestic Goddess, and writing for Blessed is She.
Susanna Spencer once studied theology and philosophy, but now happily cares for her four adorable children and her dear husband in Saint Paul. She loves beautiful liturgies, cooking delicious meals, baking amazing sweets, reading good books, raising her children, casually following baseball, talking to her philosopher husband, and writing all about it at her blog Living With Lady Philosophy. She also writes for the National Catholic Register and writes and edits for Blessed is She.